How to Become a YouTuber and Earn Money in 2024 💸💸

Are you wondering about becoming a YouTuber in 2024 and want to earn money ðŸ’µ through your YouTube channel, or have you already started your channel but are not getting sufficient views and subscribers, making it disconcerting for your growth on YouTube?

So you do not have to worry much, as I will show you the direction in this blog to set up your YouTube channel effectively and gain views to start earning money.

YouTube is one of the most renowned social media platforms where earning money can be a reality for you. Some YouTubers earn lakhs ðŸ’µand live a lavish life. You can well be one of them too.

I had been a YouTuber myself from 2017 to 2019. During that period, I amassed around 3000 subscribers and 380k views on my YouTube channel. I know it is not that much, but the experience I gathered while working on YouTube can be valuable for you because, as a beginner, one needs to get in the right direction to gain subscribers and views on YouTube. I did not have that direction, but I do not want you to be bereft of the right direction, and that is why I have come up with this exclusive blog in which I will be telling you about how to start your YouTube channel and taste the success early on.

Before starting, if you are looking for a mic to record your YouTube videos, then I have attached a link to the cheapest yet outstanding mic for you, so buy the mic and increase the possibility of your success on YouTube.

Best Mic (Wire) --  

Best Wireless Mic --  

Now, let's see about some important things to note to become a successful YouTuber.

1. Find your Why?

Many people want to make YouTube videos just to earn money in no time, and when they realize that becoming a YouTuber is a marathon rather than a sprint, most of them quit. 

It is important to find out why you want to make your YouTube channel. The "why" should be strong, which can get you going and keep you motivated even when you feel that you are not growing on YouTube.

All in all, try to be more process-oriented rather than product-oriented. It will help you not get frustrated while getting low traffic because you never know which YouTube video will go viral and take you to the ninth cloud. It happened to me and happens to most YouTubers. So, keep making videos, and one of your videos will definitely go viral someday.

2. Select the Right Niche

It is rightly advisable to decide the category of your channel because it is always good to decide the niche of your channel as early as possible. When you make videos related to the same category, your credibility and identity build with time. 

If you upload videos on any random topic, it will confuse your subscribers, and it will be difficult to build a consistent and reliable audience on YouTube. So, it is always great to keep making videos related to a particular category.

3. Edit Videos Creatively

According to some web reports, there are more than 51 million YouTube channels. So obviously, it is difficult to rank your YouTube videos and build your uniqueness. The most effective thing that can set you apart from others is how well you edit your videos and make them presentable and loaded with attractive clips and images.

Along with this, it is also important not to clutter things but to make them simply understandable and watchable. Many apps are available for free today both on mobile and PC. Hence, you can use the available software for free and make your videos effective and soothing to watch.

4. Recognize Your Audience 

As a YouTuber, it is equally important to know who is watching your videos. You can get a deep analysis of your YouTube channel through YouTube Studio, which is also available on mobile. By analyzing the age group and gender of your YouTube channel, you can make the content likewise and keep your gained audience intact.

5. Upload your Videos Timely & Consistently

When I was new to this field of YouTube, I used to upload videos anytime that used to have a big impact on views on my videos. However, with time, I came to realize the importance of uploading videos at a particular time. It keeps your viewership intact.

When one starts a YouTube channel, they upload videos consistently for a short time. However, with time, when they do not get the expected views and responses from viewers, they tend to lose hope and lose their passion for uploading videos consistently.

But do not worry, as I am suggesting to you that it is the time when your real test starts, when your passion to become a YouTuber is being tested to the core, and also the time that decides whether you even have enough patience to become a YouTuber because, on social media, you need to give time to build your identity and credibility among the people.

So, keep making videos consistently and upload them timely.

6. Make Attractive Thumbnails

Thumbnails should also be eye-catching and attractive enough to make people click on your videos. However, I would not suggest you do clickbait, as it will tarnish your credibility on YouTube.

You can use apps like Canva, which is available both on mobile and PC. Canva allows you to make attractive and eye-catching thumbnails with ease.

7. Use Other Social Media Platforms

Last but not least, I would suggest you try to build your identity on all social media platforms. You should have an account on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Quora, Instagram, etc. 

It will help you build a community for your YouTube channel in less time and it also increases the chance of your success on YouTube, as in this case, you can bring traffic to your YouTube channel from different platforms.


In conclusion, becoming a successful YouTuber requires dedication, creativity, and strategic planning. By following these seven tips, you can build a strong foundation, grow your audience, and create engaging content that resonates with viewers. Remember, success doesn't happen overnight, but with persistence and passion, you can achieve your YouTube goals. 

Happy creating!

Stay tuned for more such blogs.

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